Monday, October 14, 2013


I blinked and summer was gone.

A beautiful summer it was...

...with more than its share of zaniness 
(yes, this woman is stealing from our dropbox).

And it was the summer I discovered four-ingredient guilt-free cookies!
{mashed bananas, oatmeal, chocolate chips, and slivered almonds}

It was the summer that Flutterbug discovered, while sitting in Starbucks,
 that her dad isn't John Denver.

And now autumn's here, with a little birthday reminder from Father:

And this autumn I tried my hand at my first seascape (and at taking pictures 
in the half-darkness...SEVEN days of rain)!

You alone are the Lord. 
You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, 
and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, 
the seas and all that is in them. 
You give life to everything, 
and the multitudes of heaven worship you.
--Nehemiah 9:6--

The itty-bitty painting is a gift for a favorite couple, former Victory Homers 
who are now staff members. Just call us!

Victory Home's rolling along with a little help from our volunteers, 
or, rather, help from our little volunteers.

 So, yeah, summer took off with hardly a word, but I'm okay with that - 
autumn's quite a pleasure, too!


  1. I have no idea where the months of this year came from or went to. It seems like it was just Christmas a couple of months ago and not it's a couple of months until Christmas. If the time starts moving any faster, I'll have to stop blinking. :-)
    ~Pam R.

  2. Wow. Did you help the thief out of the dropbox, turn the other cheek, and give her some Victory Bucks?

    And what keeps the cookies together? Is banana a good binder?

  3. I walked up to her and said, "Hey, I'm taking your picture!" and she clambered out and stalked off with all kinds of belligerent comments!

    The recipe calls for two bananas per cup of oatmeal. Add the extras that you want, and bake at 350 for 15 minutes - they hold together well! They don't crisp up, really, and they're not great leftover, but they're quite tasty for the first couple of hours, especially with plenty of chocolate chips. Everything's better with chocolate chips!

  4. LOL! If you'd videotaped her, you might have had a video go viral! ;-)

  5. Ah, Pam, thus the WIDE OPEN EYE of your profile pic?? I do know whatcha mean. I think I have some Christmas stuff that I still haven't put away from LAST year! I definitely still have tree needles here and there...

  6. AT LAST !!! How refreshing! Now don't wait for winter to submit your next blog! Sure beats wasting time on
    Facebook entries and comments.

  7. I just wanna know if the lady in the box ever found the right shoe to go with the left.
    It's nice to hear from you.

  8. Ha, Vicki - She certainly was annoyed to have been interrupted in her efforts, and stalked off, flinging curse words back at me!

    So, Dad, tell us how you REALLY feel about Facebook, heheh...

    I can't guarantee you'll see another post before Christmas, but since I've started decorating for the holiday (shhh...upstairs only), it feels like it'll be here before I know it.
